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Version: v1

Integrate with Okta OIDC

This guide describes how to configure Beyond Identity as an Identity Provider for Okta using the OpenID Connect identity protocol.

Setup a Beyond Identity tenant​

Create a tenant via the sign up form.

After a tenant and a local passkey is created, you will be automatically redirected to the Admin Console.

Create a new realm​

Realms are unique administrative domains within a tenant. All new tenants have a default realm called Beyond Identity Admin which should not be used to configure for delegate IDP purposes.

To configure an Okta integration, please create a new realm as shown below.

  1. Click the drop down on the top left corner and add a new realm.


  1. Create a new identity with an email that you want to use for testing.


  1. Create an OIDC application with the following Client Configuration:
Client TypeConfidential
Grant TypeAuthorization Code
Redirect URIs
Token Endpoint Auth MethodClient Secret Post
Resource ServerNone

Token Configuration:​

  • Expiration: set to desired expiration (e.g 604800 which is one week).
  • Subject: Email
  • Token Signing Algorithm: RS256

After the application is created, take note of the token, and authorization endpoint URLs, these will be used in the Identity provider configuration in Okta. The tenant_id and realm_id from these URLs will also be needed to send the credential binding email

Now we’ll need to send a credential binding email to the newly created identity in the new realm. To do this, we’ll need to mint a management API token in the Admin realm

To continue, complete the following steps:

  • Navigate back to the Admin realm, and select Applications.
  • Click the Beyond Identity Management API.
  • Within the Beyond Identity Management API application, select API Tokens.
  • Create a new token and once created copy the token to your clipboard.
  • Navigate back to the second realm that contains the Okta application.

Now we need to send a credential binding email to the new identity in the second realm. To send a credential binding email, we’ll need to find out what the authenticator config id is of the Okta application. This can be done with the following API call and newly minted bearer token:

curl --location --request GET '${tenant_id}/realms/${realm_id}/authenticator-configs' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${api_token}'

Now using the authenticator_config_id from the previous API call, send a credential binding email. The identity_id is visible after selecting the identity in the admin console

curl --location -g --request POST '\''${tenant_id}/realms/${realm_id}/identities/${identity_id}/credential-binding-jobs'\'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${api_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"job": {
"delivery_method": "EMAIL",
"authenticator_config_id": "${authenticator_config_id}"

An email should be received to bind a credential.

For more details about the responses to the requests above, see our guide to Sending Enrollment Emails.

Configure the Identity provider in Okta​

If you do not have a Okta developer account, sign up here:

After creating the Okta account, create an additional user in Okta that you would like to use for testing. You’ll want to ensure the email or username of the test user in Okta matches the identity provisioned in the second realm.

  • In Okta, select Security -> Identity Providers
  • Click Add Identity Providers, select OpenID Connect and click next.
  • For Scopes, the only scope needed is openid, remove profile and email

The Client ID/Secret will be the values from the Okta application created in the Beyond Identity Admin console. The Authorization and Token endpoints are provided in the Admin console of that application.

The endpoints are as follows:

Authorization endpoint${tenant_id}/realms/${realm_id}/applications/${application_id}/authorize
Token endpoint${tenant_id}/realms/${realm_id}/applications/${application_id}/token
JWKS endpoint${tenant_id}/realms/${realm_id}/applications/${application_id}/.well-known/jwks.json

For Authentication settings set the following for IdP Username: idpuser.externalId

Match against: Okta Username

Setup the Routing Rule​

Now we need to configure a routing rule in Okta for the newly created Identity provider. In the same tab as Identity providers there is a routing rule tab just to the right.

Give the rule a name and set the rule to match on the email attribute of the newly created identity. Set the rule to use the newly created Identity provider.

Once the routing rule is set, log out of Okta and you can authenticate with the newly provisioned identity.