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Version: v2

Validate an access token

If your app consumes access tokens, you need to know how to validate them. This article will show you how to do that.

The easiest and most recommended way to validate tokens is by using the token validation API.

Both self-contained and referential tokens can be validated online via the API.

If your app has specific requirements such as accepting revoked tokens, then you can validate tokens within your own code using the steps at the end of this article.


Access tokens cannot be validated in the Admin Console


In order to validate an access token, you need the following:

  • the base64 encoded access token you wish to validate (can be self contained or referential)

  • the client credentials (client ID and client secret) of the app for which the token was issued, or otherwise a bearer token with the tokens:introspect scope and audience 'beyondidentity' for authorization (to create a Beyond Identity API token, see the examples in Create an access token).

Token validation API​

The token validation API consists of the '/introspect' endpoint, which is compliant with RFC-7662.

Introspection endpoint​

The introspection endpoint has the following structure:


Token validation request​

Create the HTTP request with the following properties:

Request method: POST

Request URL:


Request headers:

Authorization: Bearer {authorization_token}
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


{authorization_token} is a Bearer token that contains the scope 'tokens:introspect' and audience 'beyondidentity'


Authorization: Basic {app_client_credentials_b64}
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


{app_client_credentials_b64} is the value of the application's Client ID and Client secret in the format {client_id}:{client_secret} and base64 encoded

Request body:

token: {token_to_introspect} 

where {token_to_introspect} is the base64 encoded access token you wish to validate


curl "https://auth-$(REGION)$(TENANT_ID)/realms/$(REALM_ID)/introspect" \
-u "$(APP_CLIENT_ID):$(APP_CLIENT_SECRET)" --basic \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \

Successful Response​

A successful introspect query will return a JSON object containing the key "active" set to the boolean value true, plus information about the token.

"active": true,
"bi_ty": "authorization_code",
"iss": "{tenant_id}/realms/{realm_id}/applications/{application_id}",
"sub": "7a8cce58fd160449",
"aud": [
"exp": 1688488934,
"nbf": 1688402534,
"iat": 1688402534,
"jti": "cKigHwlWRW5h3Dv4CCMBICiqf-j1i1yJ",
"scope": "myapp:read myapp:write",
"azp": "tenants/{tenant_id}/realms/{realm_id}/applications/{application_id}",
"bi_p": "tenants/{tenant_id}/realms/{realm_id}/identities/7a8cce58fd160449",
"bi_s": "",
"bi_x": "c6EBNy5gJnhfSmDr1Q70fzfw5v7kpssL"

Unsuccessful Response​

Pursuant to RFC-7662, the introspect endpoint returns HTTP 200 status code even if the token is revoked. If the token is revoked, expired or its signature is invalid the introspect endpoint returns a JSON object with a single key "active" set to the boolean value false.

"active": false

Apart from this, the introspect endpoint might return other error codes in case the request is malformed or unauthorized.

Offline Validation​

In order to validate a token offline, the JWT header and claims must be decoded. Decode both and follow the steps below:

  1. Parse the host of the URI in the jku header field. If it equals auth-$, then proceed. Otherwise, reject the token.

  2. Download the public key for token validation from the jku in the JWT header. The key can be cached for the number of seconds specified by the Cache-Control max-age directive. Check the token signature against the key with matching kid downloaded from jku.

  3. Check that either the application id or resource server identifier is listed in the aud of the JWT claims. It is sufficient if at least one of the allowed audiences is in the token aud claim.

  4. Check timestamps in JWT claims where nbf <= current time as unix timestamp in seconds <= exp

  5. Check that JWT claims target tenant bi_t and target realm bi_r match the tenant and realm for the given application.

  6. Check that JWT claims has the expected scopes.