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Version: v2

Integrate with Firebase

This guide provides information on how to set up Beyond Identity as a passwordless authentication provider for an application that uses Firebase.

This guide will cover:

  • How to configure Beyond Identity as an Identity Provider
  • How to create an identity and generate a passkey
  • How to authenticate with a passkey
  • How to configure the OpenID Connect plugin



Install the SDKs​

Install the Firebase Authentication SDK​

In order to authenticate with Beyond Identity with Firebase Authentication, we need to use the custom OpenID Connect provider, which is supported on iOS+, Android, and Web. Please see the appropriate Get Started documentation (iOS+, Android, Web) for instructions on how to install the Firebase Authentication SDK.

Install the Beyond Identity SDK​

In order to use Beyond Identity functionality in your application, you will need to install the Beyond Identity SDK. The Android SDK, the Swift SDK, and the JavaScript SDK provides functionality from passkey creation to passwordless authentication. A set of functions are provided to you through an Embedded namespace.

Initialize the Beyond Identity SDK​

Once you've installed the SDK, initialize it so that you can call the Embedded functions.

import com.beyondidentity.embedded.sdk.EmbeddedSdk

app: Application,
keyguardPrompt: (((allow: Boolean, exception: Exception?) -> Unit) -> Unit)?,
logger: (String) -> Unit,
biometricAskPrompt: String, /* Optional */
allowedDomains: List<String>?, /* Optional */

Set up Beyond Identity as an Identity Provider​

To set up Beyond Identity as an Identity Provider, you need to create a Realm to hold identities and configuration. Inside that realm, you'll need to create an Application that contains the authentication flow configuration. These can be configured in you admin console that was created for you when you signed up for a developer account.

Create a Realm​

Creating a realm from the Beyond Identity Admin Console is easy.

  1. In the Admin Console, under Tenant Management, select Go to realm > Create new realm.

    Admin Console Create new realm

  2. Enter a name for your realm and click Create realm.

  3. In the confirmation dialog, switch to the new realm.

    Create new realm confirmation success

Create an Application​

From the admin console, click Apps, then click Add app.

There is a lot to configure when creating an application. When creating your application make sure:

  • Redirect URIs contains your application's App Scheme or Universal URL
  • Configuration Type (in the Authenticator Config tab) is set to Embedded SDK
  • Invoke URL (in the Authenticator Config tab) contains your application's App Scheme or Universal URL
  • Invocation Type (in the Authenticator Config tab) is set to Automatic.

For help choosing options, visit the following guides:

Configure Custom OpenID Connect Provider​

Now that we have created our application, we are ready to configure our custom OpenID Connect provider in the Firebase console.

Firebase Step 1 Firebase Step 2

  1. For Name, use Beyond Identity
  2. For Client ID, copy and paste the value from Applications -> Your New Application -> External Protocol -> Client ID
  3. For Issuer (URL), copy and paste the value from Applications -> Your New Application -> External Protocol -> Issuer
  4. For Client Secret, copy and paste the value from Applications -> Your New Application -> External Protocol -> Client Secret

Firebase Step 3

To complete set up, follow the steps for your platform

Create an Identity and generate a Universal Passkey​

Once you have an application in the admin console you are ready to provision users in your realm's directory, generate passkeys, and handle those passkeys in your application.

Create an Identity​

Creating a user can be done either in the admin console or through an API. This guide will use the admin console.

  1. From the Admin Console, under Directory, select Identities > Add identity.

  2. Enter the name, username, and email of the new identity you're adding.

    Add an identity

  3. Click Add Identity.

For more information about identities, see Identity and groups.

Generate a passkey​

Once you have an identity, you are ready to generate a passkey for this user. This step can also be done either in the admin console or through an API. This guide will use the admin console. Navigate back to Identities and select the identity you would like to bind to a passkey. Click Add a passkey, select your app and the click Proceed & send email. The user will receive an enrollment email which they can tap on to bind a passkey to their device.

Note that whichever browser or device that the user taps on the enrollment email will be the device/browser where the user can log into your Drupal site. If the user wishes to login from a different browser or device you will need to send the user another email to bind that new browser/device. Also note that private/incognito browsers act as a different browser in this case. Users can bind multiple devices and browsers.

For more information visit Bind a passkey to an identity.

Configure Application​

Bind passkey to device​

Once the user taps on the enrollment email, they will be redirected to your application. Intercept the link from the enrollment email. The link that is redirected to your application will take on the following form. A /bind path will be appended to your Invoke URL (configured in your application above) as well as several other query parameters.


Once you receive the incoming URL, pass it into the Beyond Identity SDK to complete the binding process. You can validate the incoming URL with isBindPasskeyUrl. Upon success, a private key will have been created in the device's hardware trust module and the corresponding public key will have been sent to the Beyond Identity Cloud. At this point the user has a passkey enrolled on this device.

import com.beyondidentity.embedded.sdk.EmbeddedSdk
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import timber.log.Timber

EmbeddedSdk.bindPasskey(url = bindingLink)
.onEach { result ->
result.onSuccess { success ->
Timber.d("Bind Passkey success = $success")
result.onFailure { failure ->
Timber.e("Bind Passkey failure = $failure")


The authenticate url that is redirected to your application will append a /bi-authenticate path to your Invoke URL:


Once you receive the authenticate URL, pass it into the SDK to complete the authentication process. You can validate the incoming URL with isAuthenticateUrl.

import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent
import com.beyondidentity.embedded.sdk.EmbeddedSdk

private fun launchBI(context: Context, url: Uri = AUTH_URL) {
CustomTabsIntent.Builder().build().launchUrl(context, url)

private fun handleIntent(context: Context, intent: Intent?) {
selectPasskeyId { selectedPasskeyId ->
intent?.data?.let { uri ->
when {
EmbeddedSdk.isAuthenticateUrl(uri.toString()) -> {
url = uri.toString(),
passkeyId = selectedPasskeyId,
) { result ->
result.onSuccess { authenticateResponse ->
authenticateResponse.redirectUrl?.let { redirectUrl ->
// This URL contains authorization code and state parameters
// Exchange the authorization code for an id_token using Beyond Identity's token endpoint.
var code = parseCode(redirectUrl)
var token = exchangeForToken(code)

val providerId = "oidc.beyond-identity" // As registered in Firebase console.
val credential = oAuthCredential(providerId) {
setIdToken(token) // ID token from OpenID Connect flow.
.addOnSuccessListener { authResult ->
// User is signed in.
.addOnFailureListener { e ->
// Handle failure.

private fun selectPasskeyId(callback: (String) -> Unit) {
// Where you can perform some logic here to select a passkey, or
// present UI to a user to enable them to select a passkey.